Ski Club of Ireland

NameSki Club of Ireland
Length (m)180
LocationGet Directions
Date Format Winners
14 October 2000 National Champs COLUMB ConorDOHERTY Orlaith
15 October 2000 National Champs LEE CiaranDOHERTY Orlaith
13 October 2001 National Champs LEE CiaranHARRIS Gemma
14 October 2001 National Champs PRINCE ShannaAITKEN Blair
12 October 2002 National Champs HUNT GeorgieDOHERTY Orlaith
13 October 2002 National Champs HUNT GeorgieHARRIS Gemma
11 October 2003 National Champs PRINCE ShannaHUNT Georgie
12 October 2003 National Champs PRINCE ShannaHUNT Georgie
09 October 2004 National Champs RYDING DavidRYDING Joanna
10 October 2004 National Champs RYDING DavidRYDING Joanna
08 October 2005 National Champs HUNT GeorgieRYDING Joanna
09 October 2005 National Champs HUNT GeorgieRYDING Joanna
07 October 2006 National Champs BAGGIO JaymeTELLING Marc
08 October 2006 National Champs BAGGIO JaymeTELLING Marc
13 October 2007 National Champs THOMAS-JACKSON AlessiaROOSE Andrew
14 October 2007 National Champs THOMAS-JACKSON AlessiaROOSE Andrew
04 October 2008 National Champs CLIFFORD AbbyWATSON Andrew
05 October 2008 National Champs DAVIES CharlotteMCCARTHY Luke
03 October 2009 National Champs DAVIES CharlotteWATSON Andrew
04 October 2009 National Champs DAVIES CharlotteWATSON Andrew
02 October 2010 National Champs LAMBDEN SarahWATSON Andrew
03 October 2010 National Champs DAVIES CharlotteWATSON Andrew
01 October 2011 National Champs GOULD CharlotteWATSON Andrew
02 October 2011 National Champs DAVIES CharlotteHALES Thomas
29 September 2012 National Champs HALES AliceWATSON Andrew
30 September 2012 National Champs LAMBDEN SarahWATSON Andrew
01 October 2012 National Champs
05 October 2013 National Champs HALES ThomasLAMBDEN Sarah
06 October 2013 National Champs HATCHER DavidLAMBDEN Sarah
04 October 2014 National Champs HALES ThomasLAMBDEN Sarah
05 October 2014 National Champs HUPPACH DeclanLAMBDEN Sarah
03 October 2015 National Champs DAVIES JennyHALES Thomas
04 October 2015 National Champs HATCHER DavidLAMBDEN Sarah
01 October 2016 National Champs WEEKS OliverSHERING Nicole
02 October 2016 National Champs DAVIES JennySHERING NicoleSPEED Craig
30 September 2017 National Champs PUTMAN AbigailSHERING NicoleSPEED Craig
01 October 2017 National Champs PUTMAN AbigailSHERING NicoleSPEED Craig
06 October 2018 National Champs VALE LaurenEVANS HarrisonFENNELL Amber
07 October 2018 National Champs SHERING NicoleEVANS HarrisonLEWIS Ffion
05 October 2019 National Champs
06 October 2019 National Champs
01 October 2022 National Champs
02 October 2022 National Champs
07 October 2023 GBR
08 October 2023 National Champs
05 October 2024 GBR
06 October 2024 GBR
Rank Name YOB Event Format Date Gates Time
1 HUNT Georgie 1984 National Champs 11 October 2003 - 12.36
2 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 12.49
3 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 12.50
4 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 30 September 2012 - 12.53
5 FLAHIVE Gerard 1992 National Champs 30 September 2012 - 12.68
6 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 29 September 2012 - 12.73
7 LEE Ciaran 1980 National Champs 11 October 2003 - 12.76
8 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 30 September 2012 - 12.83
9 FLAHIVE Gerard 1992 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 12.83
10 BYRNE Brian 1987 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 12.86
11 HUNT Georgie 1984 National Champs 08 October 2005 - 12.88
12 FLAHIVE Gerard 1992 National Champs 29 September 2012 - 12.89
13 TELLING Marc 1984 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 12.90
14 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 12.90
15 WALTERS Peter 1980 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 12.91
16 BYRNE Brian 1987 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 12.91
17 ROOSE Andrew 1990 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 12.94
18 BYRNE Brian 1987 National Champs 03 October 2009 - 12.95
19 WYATT Daniel 1986 National Champs 11 October 2003 - 12.96
20 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 03 October 2009 - 12.97
21 HALES Thomas 1990 National Champs 04 October 2014 - 12.98
22 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 04 October 2009 - 12.98
23 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 29 September 2012 - 13.01
24 FLAHIVE Gerard 1992 National Champs 03 October 2009 - 13.03
25 HATCHER David 1985 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.03
26 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 13.03
27 HARRIS Philip 1985 National Champs 11 October 2003 - 13.04
28 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 02 October 2010 - 13.04
29 WATSON Andrew 1991 National Champs 03 October 2009 - 13.06
30 SPEED Craig 1999 National Champs 01 October 2017 - 13.06
31 HALL Benn 1990 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.07
32 FLAHIVE Gerard 1992 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.07
33 HALES Thomas 1990 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.11
34 RUDDICK Craig 1985 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 13.11
35 WITTS Kaigan 1994 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.12
36 MOLLOY Daniel 1993 National Champs 03 October 2015 - 13.13
37 HICKEY Jack 1992 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.14
38 O'CONNOR Shane 1973 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.15
39 WILLIAMS Ian 1992 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.16
40 MCWHIRTER Scott 1992 National Champs 03 October 2010 - 13.17
41 WITTS Callum 1998 National Champs 03 October 2015 - 13.18
42 EVANS Harrison 2000 National Champs 01 October 2017 - 13.18
43 RYDING David 1986 National Champs 10 October 2004 - 13.18
44 SPEED Craig 1999 National Champs 30 September 2017 - 13.19
45 CASE Toby 2002 National Champs 30 September 2017 - 13.19
46 WYATT Daniel 1986 National Champs 08 October 2006 - 13.19
47 BRUTON Matthew 1985 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.19
48 JEAL Alex 1990 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.19
49 HALES Thomas 1990 National Champs 03 October 2015 - 13.19
50 WYATT Daniel 1986 National Champs 04 October 2008 - 13.19