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Ski Club of Manchester

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Results shown for 2018 2017 2016
Date Slope Event Format Race Rank Category Competitor
Name Rank
13-Aug-2017 Chill Factore (Manchester) National Champs (British Indoor Championships) U10 and U12 20 Male U10 Boys 5 WEBB Freddie
12-Aug-2017 Chill Factore (Manchester) National Champs (Anglo Welsh Championships) U10 and U12 31 Male U10 Boys 11 WEBB Freddie
04-Jun-2017 Castleford Club National (Lions Club National & U10/U12's) U10 and U12 12 Male U10 Boys 6 WEBB Freddie
07-May-2017 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (GBR Indoor 2) U10 and U12 24 Male U10 Boys 6 WEBB Freddie
06-May-2017 Chill Factore (Manchester) GBR (GBR Indoor 1) U10 and U12 29 Male U10 Boys 6 WEBB Freddie
23-Apr-2017 Chill Factore (Manchester) Club National (Manchester Club National & U10/U12's) U10 and U12 19 Male U10 Boys 4 WEBB Freddie